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Part I How the World Works 21
Introduction 1 1. The Big Cycle in a Tiny Nutshell 23 2. The Determinants 57 Determinants Addendum 81 3. The Big Cycle of Money, Credit, Debt, and Economic Activity 103 4. The Changing Value of Money 131 5. The Big Cycle of internal Order and Disorder 149 6. The Big Cycle of External Order and Disorder 193 7. Investing in Light of the Big Cycle 217 Part II How the World has Worked Over the Last 500 Years 241 8. The Last 500 Years in a Tiny Nutshell 243 9. The Big Cycle Rise and Decline of the Dutch Empire and the Guilder 245 10. The Big Cycle Rise and Decline of the British Empire and the Pound 291 11. The Big Cycle Rise and Decline of the United States and the Dollar 331 12. The Big Cycle Rise of China and the Renminbi 363 13. US-China Relations and Wars 423 Part III The Future 461 14. The Future 463 Appendix: Computer Analysis of the Conditions of, and Prospects for, the World's Leading Countries 513 |
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관심작가 알림신청Ray Dalio
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