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A Note on the Text viii
Introduction: The Unfrocked Priests of the Cult of Youth 1 Part I The Indian Summer of Life 1. Giving Up on Giving Up 9 The swinging door Cold shower Wisdom or resignation? 2. Staying in the Dynamics of Desire 25 Retreat or disaster? The philosophical age What shall we do with our twenty years (of additional life)? Part II Life Always Begun Again 3. The Saving Routine 41 "It is enough to be" The splendor of the trivial Here begins the new life The two natures of repetition The eternal rebirth Swan song or dawn? 4. The Interweaving of Time 65 Live as if you were to die at any moment? The old boudoir of the past It's always the first time Become like children again? Our phantom selves Part III Late Love Affairs 5. Desire Late in Life 83 Asymmetries and expiry dates The yoke of concupiscence Indecent requests 6. Eros and Agape in the Shadow of Thanatos 100 Devotees of the twilight The tragedy of the last love The chaste, the tender and the voluptuous Part IV Fulfill Oneself or Forget Oneself? 7. No More, Too Late, Still! 115 Lost opportunities The round of regrets Kairos, the god of timeliness On the blank page of your future lives 8. Make a Success of One's Life, and Then What? 134 I am I, alas The three faces of freedom A door opening on the unknown Succeed, but not entirely Not everything is possible Part V What Does Not Die in Us 9. Death, Where is Thy Victory? 157 Monsieur Seguin's Goat Eternity in love with time The luck to die some day? "Love what will never be seen twice?" The martyrs of endurance The zombie in us 10. The Immortality of Mortals 176 What do bodily ills teach us? The hierarchy of pains Poor consolations Just a moment, Mr Executioner Eternity is here and now Conclusion: Love, Celebrate, Serve 194 Notes 198 |
저파스칼 브뤼크네르
관심작가 알림신청Pascal Bruckner
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