
Seoul Food Finder 나는 서울이 맛있다

Seoul Food Finder 나는 서울이 맛있다

[ 영문판 ]
Andrew & Jinny Salmon | 베스트홈(쿠켄) | 2002년 05월 31일   저자/출판사 더보기/감추기
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발행일 2002년 05월 31일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 263쪽 | 472g | 크기확인중
ISBN13 9788989782025
ISBN10 8989782023

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Other treats for food fiends include where to find chocolate fondue, joints with vegetarian fares, the best fusion restaurants and the place with the largest selection of beers on tap.

Of course, the largest section is devoted to Korean food, and the types of restaurants are varied in flavors, specialties and prices. "We really think that Korean cuisine is underexposed," say the authors, who consider Korean food to be Asia's greatest undiscovered cuisine.

"Koreans often say, 'Foreigners won't like our food because it's too spicy,' but if anything, spices and strong flavors are a plus, not a negative, for today's global palate," Andrew Salmon says.

Andrew and Jinny gained notoriety among expatriates with their weekly restaurant review column, "Porkers," in The Korea Herald from 1997 to 2001. Jinny's expertise in the culinary arts and spirits comes through in the book. A native of Korea (originally Kang Ji-young), she attended Leiths' School of Food and Wine and the Wine and Spirit Education Trust in London after the couple's marriage in 1992.

Meanwhile, Andrew's British wit and irreverent writing style make the book an entertaining read, as well as a great reference, peppering the pages with delectable humor. With completely different cultural backgrounds, food is the Salmons' apparent love connection.

For the food-fact hound, the authors give historical insights into each regional cuisine at the beginning of each section of the book. But what is unique and particularly noteworthy is that the book tells the story of how each foreign fare entered Korea and influenced local eating practices. The authors recognize that food is a cultural tradition and connect the globalization of Seoul's foods with the globalization of cultures.

The reviews themselves provide several helpful tips for patrons. The authors recommend main courses and appetizers, as well as the perfect drink (i.e. bamboo leaf wine, spiced dongdongju) to complement the meal. Updated prices are also included.

The recommendations are not necessarily the most expensive or exotic items on the menu, but the dishes that offer the most in taste and eating experience. For example, a Korean restaurant in Myeong-dong was touted by the authors as having "some of the best bibimbap we know of," and though it was the cheapest item on the menu, this writer's taste buds heartily agreed.

Andrew's journalistic flair comes through with inclusions of interesting tidbits on the establishments themselves (i.e. a pub owned by an ex-U.S. Navy Seal was formerly frequented by baseball player Park Chan-ho and is often used for filming Korean TV dramas). Each review explains the cultural, historical or geographical origins of the dishes, dress code, map, how English-friendly the staff or menu is, and food descriptions guaranteed to make the mouth water.

But for the blurry-eyed foodie too hungry to wade through cheeky turns of phrase and anecdotal gems, each review provides at-a-glance information as well: numerical ratings for food, atmosphere and value, and a verdict in a three-sentence nutshell.

For Seoul's newcomers, the book features an "Orientation" section, providing descriptions of areas in Seoul with high concentrations of eating joints, and a section on "Useful Phrases" with Romanized phrases for ordering food and common Korean dishes with their descriptions.

For the veteran Seoulite seeking to deepen his gastronomical know-how, there are tips on how to match European wines with Korean food, and essays on the controversy of eating of dog meat and ways to promote Korean cuisine outside the peninsula.

This book is a must-have for the world citizen, the Seoul traveler and the glutton. "Seoul Food Finder is published by Cookand in English (15,000 w
--- 코리아헤럴드 'weakender' Catherine Jun Staff reporter (02/05/24)
"A Seoul restaurant guide written by foodies for foodies"

Where can you find fondue-style tempura, a teahouse where songbirds fly above patrons' heads, and Szechuan dishes spicy enough to make you scream?

According to the "Seoul Food Finder," all these unforgettable dining experiences can be had right here in Seoul. The self-proclaimed "Seoulite's Bible of Wining and Dining" contains detailed reviews of over 140 restaurants in the city. Authored by the husband-and-wife team of Andrew and Jinny Salmon, diehard disciples of gastronomic pleasure, this book is sure to draw many followers.

"In the last five or six years, the range of cuisines available in Seoul has exploded," Jinny Salmon says.

The book is ideal for the gourmet, those with adventurous palates, and even the rough-and-gruff food-lover. The establishments featured range from five-star restaurants to back-alley eateries, with menus from all over the world.

The restaurants are categorized by regional specialty, and the spread is inarguably international. Asian restaurants include Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Indian, Pakistani and Vietnamese cuisine. On the Western front, there are German, French, Mexican, Brazilian and Spanish, as well as where to find the best American sandwiches. Readers may be pleased to discover that even in Seoul, they can find Turkish lamb kebabs, Bangladeshi curry and Egyptian hummus.

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