
The Rabbit Listened
Doerrfeld, Cori / Doerrfeld, Cori | Dial Books | 2018년 02월 20일   저자/출판사 더보기/감추기
리뷰 총점10.0 리뷰 2건 | 판매지수 108

AR단계별 노부영 읽기 ~7/14

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서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
  • 배송비 : 유료 (도서 15,000원 이상 무료) ?
구매 시 참고사항
  • AR 1.7
  •  국내배송만 가능
  •  문화비소득공제 신청가능


발행일 2018년 02월 20일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 40쪽 | 254*254*15mm
ISBN13 9780735229358
ISBN10 073522935X
렉사일 450L(GRADE2~4)?

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상품 이미지를 확대해서 볼 수 있습니다. 원본 이미지

추천평 추천평 보이기/감추기

“A gentle lesson in the power of silence.” - People

“[The Rabbit Listened] is a lovely book and a corrective, perhaps, for adults who may forget that quiet attention has its own curative power.” - The Wall Street Journal

“Wonderfully drawn…offers what Taylor- like all of us- needs: the comfort of someone who will just listen, laugh, and give a hug.” - The New York Times

“Full of spirit and uncensored emotion…Doerrfeld skillfully evokes the amazing bond between kids and their pets- the miraculous moment when a teary child will pour out his heart to the cat, dog, hamster or (sure, why not?) bunny he has come to know and trust.” - The Chicago Tribune

★ "Each of Doerrfeld’s highly distilled and elegantly concise vignettes brims with emotional honesty and profound empathy. The result is a story that’s wise, funny, and easy to take to heart." - Publishers Weekly, starred review

★ "Author/illustrator Doerrfeld gives children a model for how to process difficult events and provide meaningful support to friends who need it. This appealing work is an excellent addition to any emotional-intelligence shelf." - Kirkus Reviews, starred review

★ “Granting this work a place in your library collection should give it the exposure and the voice it so richly deserves.” - School Library Connection, starred review

“Cori Doerrfeld’s beautiful story- about how to react when someone’s going through a difficult time- might be our favorite release of the year.” - Minnesota Parent

“A lovely springboard to discuss grief with young children.” - BookRiot

“A beautiful message in a heartfelt book with a bunny that’s irresistibly cute.” - The Missourian

“Cori Doerrfeld’s poignant story illustrates our desire to comfort others in the right way and shows that sometimes just being there is enough.” - Bookish

“The Rabbit Listened, by Cori Doerrfeld, is hands down, my favorite kids’ book that’s come across my desk lately… Doerrfeld’s sweet, minimalist illustrations have captivated my kids, and the important life lesson here could actually help them change the world. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this picture book should be required reading for every child and adult this year.” - Cool Mom Picks

“I read a lot of books. A lot. And this one nearly took me down. It’s a breathtaking look at grief in a few simple gestures.” - Carter Higgins, Design of the Picture Book

“The book is a reminder to those wanting to comfort a grieving friend, a reminder that all we can do is listen.” - Julie Danielson, Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast

“I read about 900 picture books in a year, and I only find about 20-30 in a year that I consider 'Perfect Picture Books'. The Rabbit Listened immediately made my list." - Dylan Teut, Executive Director of Plum Creek Children's Literacy Festival

“This picture book is as much a lesson to adults as it is a support and a revelation to young readers about the power of just being there and listening during times of difficulty. Sometimes simple patience and presence make your words resonate all the deeper when the storm has passed.” - Kenny Brechner, DDG Booksellers in Farmington, Maine

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