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Preface ix
I Science History 1. The Uses of Astronomy 3 2. The Art of Discovery 15 3. From Rutherford to the LHC 22 4. Educators and Academics, Underground in Texas 36 5. The Rise of the Standard Models 39 6. Long Times and Short Times 52 7. Keeping an Eye on the Present-Whig History of Science 55 8. The Whig History of Science: An Exchange 67 II Physics and Cosmology 9. What Is an Elementary Particle? 73 10. The Universe We Still Don't Know 83 11. Varieties of Symmetry 96 12. The Higgs, and Beyond 112 13. Why the Higgs? 119 14. The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics 124 III Public Matters 15. Obama Gets Space Funding Right 145 16. The Crisis of Big Science 149 17. Liberal Disappointment 164 18. Keep Loopholes Open 167 19. Against Manned Space Flight 171 20. Skeptics and Scientists 176 IV Personal Matters 21. Change Course 183 22. Writing about Science 185 23. On Being Wrong 192 24. The Craft of Science, and the Craft of Art 194 25. New York to Austin, and Return 211 Sources 215 Index 217 |
저스티븐 와인버그
관심작가 알림신청Steven Weinberg
스티븐 와인버그의 다른 상품