
사이즈 비교
Collected Works of the First Korean Female Writer Kim Myeong-sun

Collected Works of the First Korean Female Writer Kim Myeong-sun

김명순 저 / 현채운 | 북랩 | 2022년 04월 05일   저자/출판사 더보기/감추기
첫번째 리뷰어가 되어주세요
12,600 (10% 할인)
서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
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발행일 2022년 04월 05일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 372쪽 | 538g | 152*225*18mm
ISBN13 9791168362499
ISBN10 1168362490

이 상품의 태그

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Collected Works of the First Korean Female Writer Kim Myeong-sun

Collected Works of the First Korean Female Writer Kim Myeong-sun

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책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

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책 속으로 책속으로 보이기/감추기

“Okay, where was the gentleman coming from?” As the mother of a lass was quite farsighted, she said, “He pressed his eyes against the pitch-black thing at the second floor of the towering house, looking…….” The foreman tilted his head once again. After a long time, as if he had at last resolved the mystery of many years, he said, “I get it. Beom-nae is baby Gahee, the birth-child of director Cho’s wife who committed suicide in spring.” As if everyone heard something terrifying, their eyes widened. Letting out a deep sigh, the village foreman cried out, “Pitiful child!”
--- p.44

“You have a lot you could eat in the living room. Tell your mother to give them to you” and appeased Tan-sil. Yet, Tan-sil shook her head and smiling sweetly, she said, “I’m scared of mom.” Her father inevitably pulled out the money from the pouch, gave it to the servant boy so that San-wol wouldn’t know and told him to buy something for Tan-sil. As the wealth of Kim Hyeong-woo’s house grew and San-wol’s squandering increased, the bond between Tan-sil and her mother became gradually thinner. That was because the more Tan-sil made high achievement in her school academics, the more she received the lesson that the prosperity of the world was futile, that serving as someone’s concubine was good for nothing, and that gisaeng was like the devil.
--- p.158

“Okusan, Okusan (Japanese word respectfully referring to Madam)” and lowered their heads. Only having heard of such, the merchants looked down on her even more for being a Japanese woman that lived with a Joseon man, but after meeting her, they ended up bowing to her. Also, in the beginning, when the Joseon students who came to Tokyo to study abroad only heard of such, they said, “What would be distinguished about a woman married to a good-for-nothing Gil Cham-ryeong?” and after carelessly gossiping about her, as their friends complimented her so much, they were driven to visit Gil Cham-ryeong’s house and upon coming back, they chimed together in praising her to the skies, “A woman is of use when she’s a Japanese. Eh, what are they Joseon women? They’re in such a foul state and besides, how stiff they are”
--- p.230

To me, Seonrae is the only one that is beautiful. It is just that Seonrae is the only woman with vigor. Through the things of this world that inexhaustibly flow and through every flowing tune, I envision only Seonrae. Everyone, it is when a person forgets all of one’s selfish interests and desires that with fairness in mind, one could beautifully compliment even one’s enemy to no end. Seonnyeo, which is a common name in the vicinity of Pyeongan seems to have been rolled and modified to Seonrae for it to sound good to call in Japanese.
--- p.320

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