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eBook [epub3.0]영어 회화 핵심패턴 233 중고급편(2023개정판)
길벗이지톡 2023.01.19.
외국어 104위
720원 (5%)
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Part 1 형용사를 잘 쓰면 감정 표현이 자유자재, 형용사 활용 패턴들 Chapter 01 | 감사하고 기뻐하기 Pattern 001 I can’t thank you enough for ~. Pattern 002 Thanks to A, I ~. Pattern 003 That’s very kind of you, but ~. Pattern 004 It’s my pleasure to ~. Pattern 005 I couldn’t be happier ~. Pattern 006 You are more than welcome to ~. l Review l Pattern 001~ 006 Chapter 02 | 걱정하고 사과하기 Pattern 007 I’m anxious ~. Pattern 008 I’m concerned ~. Pattern 009 It’s overwhelming ~. Pattern 010 I’m sorry to hear ~. Pattern 011 I(We) apologize for ~. Pattern 012 I regret ~. l Review l Pattern 007~ 012 Chapter 03 | 불만 말하거나 하소연하기 Pattern 013 I’m sick of ~. Pattern 014 I’m frustrated ~. Pattern 015 I’m ashamed ~. Pattern 016 I’m embarrassed ~. Pattern 017 Sorry to say, but ~. Pattern 018 What’s worse is ~. l Review l Pattern 013 ~ 018 Chapter 04 | 확신하거나 하소연하기 Pattern 019 I’m (not) sure ~. Pattern 020 I have doubts about ~. Pattern 021 I’m suspicious about(of) ~. Pattern 022 I need to check if ~. Pattern 023 It’s hard to believe (that) ~. Pattern 024 There’s a good chance (that) ~. l Review l Pattern 019 ~ 024 Chapter 05 | 그 밖에 유용한 형용사 활용하기 Pattern 025 be ~ enough to Pattern 026 be available to Pattern 027 I’m addicted to ~. Pattern 028 I’m willing to ~. l Review l Pattern 025 ~ 028 Part 2 간단하지만 다채롭게, 동사 활용 패턴 Chapter 06 | Feel Pattern 029 I feel grateful ~. Pattern 030 I feel like ~. Pattern 031 I feel better knowing that ~. Pattern 032 Feel free to ~. l Review l Pattern 029 ~ 032 Chapter 07 | Take Pattern 033 It takes a while to ~. Pattern 034 I take after my ~. Pattern 035 I tried to take it back, but ~. Pattern 036 I took it for granted that ~. Pattern 037 I have to take off for ~. l Review l Pattern 033 ~ 037 Chapter 08 | Look Page Date Pattern 038 I’m looking forward to ~. Pattern 039 I’m looking into -ing ~. Pattern 040 Let me look into ~. Pattern 041 I want to look up ~. Pattern 042 I look up to ~. l Review l Pattern 038 ~ 042 Chapter 09 | Get Pattern 043 It’s getting ~. Pattern 044 I don’t get ~. Pattern 045 I have to get to ~. Pattern 046 get A for B Pattern 047 I need to get a hold of ~. . Pattern 048 I try to get the most out of ~. l Review l Pattern 043 ~ 048 Chapter 10 | Seem Pattern 049 It seems like ~. Pattern 050 seems ~, but ~. Pattern 051 I can’t seem to ~. Pattern 052 There seems no reason to ~. l Review l Pattern 049 ~ 052 Chapter 11 | Let Pattern 053 I’m going to let A ~. Pattern 054 I’ll let A know ~. Pattern 055 Let me know whether or not ~. l Review l Pattern 053 ~ 055 Part 3 오해 없이 꼼꼼하게, 의문문 활용 패턴 Chapter 12 | What Pattern 056 What do you say ~? Pattern 057 What do you mean by ~? . Pattern 058 What comes with ~? Pattern 059 What kind of ~ do you (like) ~? Pattern 060 What’s the difference ~? l Review l Pattern 056 ~ 060 Chapter 13 | When, Where Pattern 061 When are you expecting ~? Pattern 062 When should I expect ~? Pattern 063 When was the last time ~? Pattern 064 Where’s a good place ~? l Review l Pattern 061~ 064 Chapter 14 | Why, How Pattern 065 Why wouldn’t you ~? Pattern 066 How is it that ~? Pattern 067 How do you suggest ~? Pattern 068 How long has it been since ~? Pattern 069 How do you like ~? l Review l Pattern 065 ~ 069 Chapter 15 | 그 밖의 의문사 활용하기 Pattern 070 Whereabouts ~? Pattern 071 Who do you think ~? Pattern 072 Which of these ~? l Review l Pattern 070 ~ 072 Chapter 16 | 의문사 없이 의문사처럼 물어보기 Pattern 073 I was wondering if ~. Pattern 074 I don’t know if ~. . Pattern 075 If you don’t mind, ~. Pattern 076 Is there anything ~, ~. Pattern 077 If you ask me, ~. Pattern 078 I’ll ask A if ~. Pattern 079 If it’s not too much trouble, would you ~? Pattern 080 Would it be possible to ~? Pattern 081 ~, will you? Pattern 082 Is there anyone ~? l Review l Pattern 073 ~ 082 Part 4 거절할 땐 깔끔하게, 부정어 표현 패턴 Chapter 17 | No, Never, Nothing Pattern 083 There’s no need to ~. Pattern 084 It’s no use -ing ~. Pattern 085 I had no choice but to ~. Pattern 086 There’s no excuse for ~. Pattern 087 I would by no means ~. Pattern 088 No offense, but ~. Pattern 089 I never meant to ~. Pattern 090 never ~ without ~. Pattern 091 It’s nothing but ~. Pattern 092 Nothing can be ~. Pattern 093 I have nothing to do with ~. Pattern 094 You have nothing to ~. l Review l Pattern 083 ~ 094 Chapter 18 | Not Pattern 095 I’m not in favor of ~. Pattern 096 It’s not necessary to ~. Pattern 097 Not everyone ~. Pattern 098 I don’t care about ~. Pattern 099 I don’t believe ~. Pattern 100 I don’t like the way ~. Pattern 101 I can’t stand ~. Pattern 102 I couldn’t bear ~, so ~. Pattern 103 I couldn’t care less ~. Pattern 104 I don’t mean to ~, but ~. Pattern 105 I’m not going to bother to ~. l Review l Pattern 095 ~ 105 Chapter 19 | 부정어 없이 부정적인 뉘앙스로 말하기 Pattern 106 The last thing ~ is ~. Pattern 107 I seldom ~. Pattern 108 I’d rather die than ~. Pattern 109 I fail to see(understand) ~. Pattern 110 I’ve always been opposed to ~. Pattern 111 I’m fed up with ~. Pattern 112 I’ll do anything but ~. Pattern 113 What bothers me most ~. Pattern 114 There’s something about ~. l Review l Pattern 106 ~ 114 Chapter 20 | 금지하기 Pattern 115 Don’t be ~. Pattern 116 Don’t make me ~. Pattern 117 You’re not allowed to ~. Pattern 118 You are not supposed to ~. Pattern 119 keep A from -ing Pattern 120 Don’t hesitate to ~. l Review l Pattern 115 ~ 120 Part 5 의미를 더 명확하게, 조동사 활용 패턴 Chapter 21 | Could, Can Pattern 121 I could never ~. Pattern 122 I can’t believe ~. Pattern 123 ~ couldn’t be better. Pattern 124 I couldn’t agree more with ~. Pattern 125 could have p.p. ~. Pattern 126 I couldn’t help -ing ~. Pattern 127 Can you make time ~? Pattern 128 I can’t ~, let alone ~. Pattern 129 I can’t help but ~. Pattern 130 I can’t help it if ~. l Review l Pattern 121~ 130 Chapter 22 | May, Might Pattern 131 I might as well ~. Pattern 132 I thought I might ~. Pattern 133 There may not be ~. Pattern 134 There may be a chance that ~. Pattern 135 This may be one’s last chance to ~. Pattern 136 I may have p.p. ~. Pattern 137 May I help you ~? l Review l Pattern 131~ 137 Chapter 23 | Should Pattern 138 I think I should ~. Pattern 139 What should I ~? Pattern 140 should have p.p. ~. Pattern 141 I never should have p.p. ~. Pattern 142 I shouldn’t have p.p. ~. Pattern 143 Maybe I should ~. l Review l Pattern 138 ~ 143 Chapter 24 | Would, Will Pattern 144 Would you mind if I ~? Pattern 145 I wish you wouldn’t ~. Pattern 146 You wouldn’t believe what ~. Pattern 147 I would rather ~. Pattern 148 It wouldn’t hurt to ~. Pattern 149 Will you help me ~? Pattern 150 It won’t be long before ~. l Review l Pattern 144 ~ 150 Chapter 25 | 그 밖에 자주 쓰는 조동사 패턴들 Pattern 151 You won’t believe ~. Pattern 152 I’ve got to ~. Pattern 153 We’ve got to get on with ~. Pattern 154 I really must ~. Pattern 155 I don’t ~ anymore, but I used to ~. Pattern 156 I’m not used to -ing. Pattern 157 You’d better ~ before ~. Pattern 158 You’d be better off ~. l Review l Pattern 151~158 Part 6 네이티브도 감탄하게, 숙어 패턴 Chapter 26 | 동사 활용 숙어 Page Date Pattern 159 take someone’s word for it Pattern 160 I’m not cut out for ~. Pattern 161 I’m on the fence about ~. Pattern 162 I’ve come down with ~. Pattern 163 I’d like to point out ~. Pattern 164 I’m known for ~. Pattern 165 I’m bound to ~. Pattern 166 I ended up ~. Pattern 167 It depends on ~. . Pattern 168 A goes well with B. l Review l Pattern 159 ~168 Chapter 27 | 명사 활용 숙어 Pattern 169 I’m having trouble ~. Pattern 170 I’m in charge of ~. Pattern 171 It’s out of the question for ~ to ~. Pattern 172 I have a hunch that ~. Pattern 173 I have no idea ~. Pattern 174 The bottom line is (that) ~. Pattern 175 ~ has a way with ~. Pattern 176 It’s just a matter of time before ~. Pattern 177 I need to get my hands on ~. Pattern 178 ~ is(are) not my cup of tea. Pattern 179 I’m (not) in the mood ~. Pattern 180 I’m getting the hang of ~. Pattern 181 I’m having the + 최상급 + time ~. Pattern 182 The thing is that ~. l Review l Pattern 169 ~182 Chapter 28 | 형용사 활용 숙어 Pattern 183 I have mixed feelings about ~. . Pattern 184 I’m itching to ~. Pattern 185 I’m dying to ~. Pattern 186 I’m fond of ~. Pattern 187 I’m amazed at ~. Pattern 188 I’m not familiar with ~. Pattern 189 ~ be just around the corner. Pattern 190 ~ for the time being. Pattern 191 It’s as clear as day that ~. Pattern 192 I was under the impression that ~. l Review l Pattern 183 ~192 Part 7 네이티브처럼 세련되게, 어법 활용 고급 패턴 Chapter 29 | 조건 달아 말하기 Pattern 193 As I said before, ~. Pattern 194 As far as I know, ~. Pattern 195 While this may be true, ~. Pattern 196 I’m with you on that, but ~. Pattern 197 Now that ~, ~. Pattern 198 Once ~, ~. Pattern 199 In case ~, ~. Pattern 200 Even though ~, ~. Pattern 201 By the time ~, ~. l Review l Pattern 193 ~ 201 Chapter 30 | 형식적인 It 사용하기 Pattern 202 It doesn’t hurt to ~. Pattern 203 It was so ~ that ~. Pattern 204 It’s true that ~. Pattern 205 It’s no wonder that ~. Pattern 206 It goes without saying that ~. Pattern 207 It’s a good chance to ~. Pattern 208 It’s about time that ~! l Review l Pattern 202 ~ 208 Chapter 31 | 비교 표현 사용하기 Pattern 209 one of the + 최상급 + 복수명사 Pattern 210 It’s the most ~ I’ve ever ~. Pattern 211 The best way to ~ is to ~. Pattern 212 It’s not as ~ as ~. Pattern 213 ~ (be)동사 + 비교급 ~ + than I thought. Pattern 214 I know better than to ~. l Review l Pattern 209 ~ 214 Chapter 32 | 가정하여 말하기 Pattern 215 I’d be happier if ~. Pattern 216 I’d love the opportunity to ~. Pattern 217 If I were ~, ~. Pattern 218 I wish I could say the same about ~. Pattern 219 I wish there were some way (for ~) to ~. Pattern 220 If you happen to come across ~, ~. l Review l Pattern 215 ~ 220 Chapter 33 | 문장 속 that절 활용하기 Pattern 221 It just occurred to me that ~. Pattern 222 Make sure ~. Pattern 223 What I’m saying is that ~. Pattern 224 All I know is that ~. Pattern 225 I was hoping ~. Pattern 226 I agree with(that) ~. l Review l Pattern 221 ~ 226 Chapter 34 | 그 밖의 어법 활용하기 Pattern 227 such a A(형용사) B(명사) Pattern 228 ~ owe(s) A to B. Pattern 229 ~ A instead of B. Pattern 230 That explains why ~. Pattern 231 I meant to ~, but ~. Pattern 232 That’s all I ~. Pattern 233 There’s no one other than ~ who ~. l Review l Pattern 227 ~ 233

저자 소개1

조이스 백

관심작가 알림신청

Joyce Paek

캐나다에서 태어나 토론토대학교에서 불문학을 전공하고 동대학교 교육대학원을 졸업했다. 캐나다 온타리오주 교육부 교사 자격증과 ESL 교육 교사 자격증을 취득했다. 한국으로 건너온 후에 이화여자대학교 외국어교육특수대학원에서 TESOL 석사 학위를 취득했으며, 현재 고려대학교 IFLS(Institute of Foreign Language Studies)에서 교수로 재직 중이다. EBS FM 라디오 〈Power English〉 〈김과장 비즈니스 영어로 날다〉, EBS English TV 〈생방송 방과후 영어〉 〈면접관을 사로잡는 영어 인터뷰〉 등 다수의 프로그램을 진행했으며, 현재는 E
캐나다에서 태어나 토론토대학교에서 불문학을 전공하고 동대학교 교육대학원을 졸업했다. 캐나다 온타리오주 교육부 교사 자격증과 ESL 교육 교사 자격증을 취득했다. 한국으로 건너온 후에 이화여자대학교 외국어교육특수대학원에서 TESOL 석사 학위를 취득했으며, 현재 고려대학교 IFLS(Institute of Foreign Language Studies)에서 교수로 재직 중이다. EBS FM 라디오 〈Power English〉 〈김과장 비즈니스 영어로 날다〉, EBS English TV 〈생방송 방과후 영어〉 〈면접관을 사로잡는 영어 인터뷰〉 등 다수의 프로그램을 진행했으며, 현재는 EBS FM 라디오 〈Evening Special〉에서 〈조이스백의 Sunday Special〉 진행을 맡고 있다. 대표 저서로는 《영어회화 핵심패턴 233 중·고급편》, 어린이 영어 스피치 교재 《Speak Logically》가 있다. 어린 시절 수많은 그림책으로 자연스럽게 영어를 익히고 다양한 문화를 접한 그녀는 아이를 기르며 다시 한번 그림책의 매력에 빠졌다. 하루 한 권, 아이에게 읽어준 영어 그림책을 인스타그램에 소개하고 있다.

인스타그램 @joycepaek100

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