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[ Paperback ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
Pamuk, Orhan | Vintage | 2005년 07월 19일   저자/출판사 더보기/감추기
리뷰 총점10.0 리뷰 1건
25,830 (18% 할인)
서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
  • 배송비 : 무료 ?


발행일 2005년 07월 19일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 448쪽 | 133*203*30mm
ISBN13 9780375706868
ISBN10 0375706860

이 상품의 태그

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies

9,940 (35%)

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One Hundred Years of Solitude

One Hundred Years of Solitude

10,000 (20%)

'One Hundred Years of Solitude' 상세페이지 이동

Klara and the Sun

Klara and the Sun

9,730 (30%)

'Klara and the Sun' 상세페이지 이동

Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go

12,530 (30%)

'Never Let Me Go' 상세페이지 이동

Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go

8,750 (30%)

'Never Let Me Go' 상세페이지 이동

The Plague

The Plague

15,000 (21%)

'The Plague' 상세페이지 이동

The Remains of the Day

The Remains of the Day

10,080 (35%)

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Klara and the Sun

Klara and the Sun

15,120 (20%)

'Klara and the Sun' 상세페이지 이동

The Lost Soul

The Lost Soul

29,320 (15%)

'The Lost Soul' 상세페이지 이동

Memoire de fille (프랑스어)

Memoire de fille (프랑스어)

14,820 (5%)

'Memoire de fille (프랑스어)' 상세페이지 이동

The Bluest Eye

The Bluest Eye

10,650 (25%)

'The Bluest Eye' 상세페이지 이동

Morning and Evening 욘 포세 ' 아침 그리고 저녁' 영문판

Morning and Evening 욘 포세 ' 아침 그리고 저녁' 영문판

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The Never Let Me Go

The Never Let Me Go

16,670 (18%)

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Simple Passion 아니 에르노 단순한 열정 영문판

Simple Passion 아니 에르노 단순한 열정 영문판

10,800 (25%)

'Simple Passion 아니 에르노 단순한 열정 영문판' 상세페이지 이동

The Plague

The Plague

12,240 (20%)

'The Plague' 상세페이지 이동



22,610 (30%)

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A Man's Place

A Man's Place

11,520 (20%)

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First Four Books of Poems

First Four Books of Poems

9,550 (50%)

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An Artist of the Floating World

An Artist of the Floating World

24,390 (18%)

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Melancholy I-II

Melancholy I-II

16,720 (20%)

'Melancholy I-II' 상세페이지 이동

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : 오르한 파묵
오르한 파묵은 1952년 터키의 이스탄불에서 태어나, 그의 작품에도 자주 등장하는 부유한 대가족 속에서 성장했다. 이스탄불의 명문 고등학교인 로버트 칼리지를 졸업한 후 이스탄불 공과대학에서 3년간 건축학을 공부했으나, 건축가나 화가가 되려는 생각을 접고 자퇴했다. 파묵은 23세에 소설가가 되기로 결심하고, 그 외의 모든 것은 포기한 채 아파트에 틀어박혀 글을 쓰기 시작했다.

그로부터 7년 후, 첫 소설 『제브데트 씨의 아들들』(1982)을 출간하였고, 이 소설로 오르한 케말 소설상과 《밀리예트》 문학상을 받았다. 다음해에 출간한 『고요한 집』 역시 ‘마다마르 소설상’과 프랑스에서 주는 ‘1991년 유럽 발견상’을 받았으며, 1985년 출간한 『하얀 성』으로 세계적인 명성을 얻기 시작했다. 1985년부터 1988년까지 미국 뉴욕의 컬럼비아 대학의 방문교수로 지내면서 대부분을 집필한 『검은 책』(1990)은 ‘프랑스 문화상’을 받았으며, 이 소설을 통해 파묵은 대중적이면서도 실험적인 작가로 터키와 전 세계에 이름을 알렸다. 1994년 출간된 『새로운 인생』은 터키 문학사상 가장 많이 팔린 소설이라는 기록을 세웠다. 『내 이름은 빨강』(1998)은 현재까지 35개국에서 출간되었고, 프랑스 ‘최우수 외국 문학상’(2002), 이탈리아 ‘그란차네 카보우르 상’(2003), ‘인터내셔널 임팩 더블린 문학상’(2003) 등을 그에게 안겨 주었다. ‘처음이자 마지막 정치 소설’이라 밝힌 『눈』(2002)을 통해서는 새로운 형태의 정치 소설을 실험했다.

문명 간의 충돌, 이슬람과 세속화된 민족주의 간의 관계와 같은 것들을 주제로 작품을 써 온 파묵은 2006년 ‘문화들 간의 충돌과 얽힘을 나타내는 새로운 상징들을 발견했다’는 평가를 받으며 노벨 문학상을 수상했다. 그 밖에 2005년에는 독일 ‘프랑크푸르트 평화상’과 프랑스 ‘메디치 상’을 수상했다.

관련자료 관련자료 보이기/감추기

**Jacket Description/Flap:
Dread, yearning, identity, intrigue, the lethal chemistry between secular doubt and Islamic fanaticism-these are the elements that Orhan Pamuk anneals in this masterful, disquieting novel. An exiled poet named Ka returns to Turkey and travels to the forlorn city of Kars. His ostensible purpose is to report on a wave of suicides among religious girls forbidden to wear their head-scarves. But Ka is also drawn by his memories of the radiant Ipek, now recently divorced.
Amid blanketing snowfall and universal suspicion, Ka finds himself pursued by figures ranging from Ipek's ex-husband to a charismatic terrorist. A lost gift returns with ecstatic suddenness. A theatrical evening climaxes in a massacre. And finding god may be the prelude to losing everything else. Touching, slyly comic, and humming with cerebral suspense, "Snow is of immense relevance to our present moment.

**Review Quotes:
"Not only an engrossing feat of tale-spinning, but essential reading for our times. ]Pamuk is( narrating his country into being." "-- Margaret Atwood, The New York Times Book Review
"A great and almost irresistibly beguiling . . . novelist. . . . ]Snow is( enriched by . . . mesmerizing mixes: cruelty and farce, poetry and violence, and a voice whose timbres range from a storyteller's playfulness to the dark torment of an explorer, lost." "-- The New York Times
"A major work . . . conscience-ridden and carefully wrought, tonic in its scope, candor, and humor . . . . with suspense at every dimpled vortex . . . . Pamuk ]is Turkey's( most likely candidate for the Nobel Prize." -John Updike," The New Yorker
"From the Golden Horn, with a wicked grin, the political novel makes a triumphant return." "-- Harper's
"Powerful . . . Astonishingly timely . . . A deft melding of political intrigue and philosophy, romance and noir . . . ]Snow( is forever confounding our expectations."

"A novel of profound relevance to the present moment. ]The( debate between the forces of secularism and those of religious fanaticism . . . is conducted with subtle, painful insight into the human weakness that can underlie both impulses."
-"The Times (London)

"A work of artE Alternating between the snowstorm's hush and philosophical conversations reminiscent of Dostoyevsky's great novels, Snow" proves a Etimely and gripping read."
-"Minneapolis Star-Tribune

"MarvelousE as quiet and transformative as a blizzard and as coldly beautiful."
-"St. Petersburg Times

"In Snow, Pamuk uses his powers to show us the critical dilemmas of modern Turkey. How European a country is it?How can it respond to fundamentalist Islam? And how can an artist deal with these issues? ... The author's high artistry and fierce politics take our minds further into the age's crisis than any commentator could. Orhan Pamuk is the sort of writer for whom the Nobel Prize was invented."
-"Daily Telegraph

"Part political thriller, part farce, "Snow is ]Pamuk's( most dazzling fiction yet. One of the top books of the year."
-"Village Voice

"It comes as no surprise that political prescience should be yet another of the many gifts of Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk. With Snow, Pamuk gives convincing proof that the solitary artist is a better bellwether than any televised think-tanker ... The work is a melancholy farce full of rabbit-out-of-a-hat plot twists that, despite the locale, looks uncannily like the magic lantern show of misfire, denial and pratfall that appears daily in our newspapers."
-"Independent on Sunday

"Pure magicE Snow is excellent."
-"San Francisco Chronicle

"'How much can we ever know about love and pain in another's heart? How much can we hope to understand those who have suffered deeper anguish, greater deprivation and more crushing disappointments than we ourselves have known?' Such questions haunt the poet Ka . . . ]in( this novel, as much about love as it is about politics."
-"The Observer

"Richly detailed . . . A thrilling plot ingeniously shaped . . . Vividly embodies and painstakingly explores the collision of Western values with Islamic fundamentalism . . . An astonishingly complex, disturbing view of a world we owe it to ourselves to better understand."
-"Kirkus Reviews

"Snow has already been a bestseller in Turkey - givenPamuk's stature as a novelist and the novel's content it could hardly fail to be. But what makes it a brilliant novel is its artistry. Pamuk keeps so many balls in the air that you cannot separate the inquiry into the nature of religious belief from the examination of modern Turkey, the investigation of East-West relations, and the nature of art itself ... All this rolled into a gripping political thriller."

"Brilliant E Pamuk writes with such grace and deep respect for his conflicted characters that this rich novel passes like a dream, encompassing every aspect of love and belief."
- "People

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